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iBSL Level 6 Diploma - 2023

  • Remark! 18 Leather Lane London, EC1N 7SU United Kingdom (map)

Course Information






Friday 20th January

3 Years

Linda Bruce (RSLI), Lynn Delfosse (RSLI), Clive Mason (RSLT), Mo Saville (RSLI)

£6,150 + VAT

All major debit / credit cards accepted


This course is suitable for people who hold a Level 6 qualification in British Sign Language. You will be able to register as Trainee Sign Language Interpreter (TSLI) upon successful completion of the first year of the course. The second and third year of the course will then develop your skills towards the Level 6 qualification in BSL/English Interpreting, which will allow you to register with the NRCPD as a Registered Sign Language Interpreter (RSLI).


The Interview and selection process will involve some written work, productive and receptive activities, and a 1-1 meeting with an Assessor. Written feedback will be given and if you are successful in obtaining a place on the course this will contribute to your personal development plan.

The interview fee is £145 + VAT.

If you are interested in joining the interview and selection day please complete this application form and return to Places are limited and will only be confirmed once all relevant forms and payment have been received.

Year One - Getting started

The first year will focus on improving your BSL and the fundamentals of interpreting theory and practice. You will be set project work to complete off site and you will develop your research and presentations skills, working in English and BSL. You will develop your knowledge of Deaf issues and interpreting and will undertake practical interpreting tasks in a safe environment. We will meet 5 times during the year, allowing you time to apply the theory to practice. You will complete 3 written essays that are marked externally by IBSL and they will be your first pieces of evidence that you include in your coursework file. The last weekend will include Trainee Sign Language Interpreter (TSLI) assessments.

On successful completion of the assessments in Year One, you will start Year Two as a regulated trainee interpreter and will have a named supervisor who will support you through the programme. You will need to complete monthly activity logs for your supervisor and in order to satisfy the NRCPD (National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deafblind People) trainee requirements.

*Please note that the TSLI assessment fees are included in the course fees, however you will need to pay for your own annual TSLI registration with NRCPD. We also provide the named supervisor and support as part of your fees for the duration of the programme, so there are no additional costs for this.

Year Two - Working as a TSLI

In the second year we begin the interpreting assessments and meet mostly every two months. We’ll continue to cover topics such as continuous professional development; the role of the interpreter; interpreting modes, theories and models; preparation and self-evaluation; as well as practical interpreting exercises.

You’ll be assessed through a variety of observation; self-evaluation, as well as practical interpreting activities both on the programme and out in the community. These will be marked by your Teacher-Assessor and iBSL.

In Year Two you are able to apply your knowledge to practice and it will give you time to reflect on your work, share your experiences from the workplace and develop your interpreting skills.

Year Three - Delving into the detail and applying your skills to aim for RSLI

The remainder of the programme will reinforce your learning, taking your knowledge and understanding to a much deeper level, while continuing to improve your BSL, English and processing skills. You will meet bi-monthly then monthly leading up to the final assessment weekend.

We’ll cover topics such as additional interpreting theories, modes and models; professional ethics; preparation and evaluation; linguistics and socio-linguistics; co-working; advanced English; technology; as well as translation theory and practice. You’ll be out working as a TSLI enabling you to put your skills into practice every day.


You’ll be assessed through a mixture of observation, essays, written assignments and professional discussions, which will be marked by a combination of your Teacher-Assesors, iBSL and other qualified witness assessors. The content of this has been mapped by NRCPD  and the IBSL Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting Studies is listed as a qualification that allows you to register with NRCPD as a RSLI (Registered Sign Language Interpreter). Details can be found here.

Plus you will need a handful of clips as evidence of your interpreting performance, for your coursework file. But don’t worry! We take the stress away by providing many of these assessed interpreting activities within the programme days. We’ll provide the Deaf and hearing participants; make sure that everyone involved is at the right level; and that seating and lighting arrangements are all sorted. Leaving you to source just three evidence clips or observations in the workplace over the three-year duration of the programme, showcasing your best interpreting work.

In addition, you’ll have 1-1 time with your Teacher-Assessors to track your progress, discuss your performance and develop your coursework file.

Finally, there is a live assessment where you will plan and carry out a co-worked interpreting assignment. This will take place on the last weekend of the programme and is assessed by an iBSL External Examiner.


Remark! 18 Leather Lane
London, EC1N 7SU